Trusted IT that helps you Care, Cure and Connect
This portfolio allows us to supply fully managed functionality for parts of the core business processes in the healthcare sector in addition to our other IT-managed services
Trusted IT that helps you Care, Cure and Connect.
Managed Services voor Care & Cure organisaties
Managed Services for Care & Cure organisations
One of the important sectors we support is healthcare. We have been supplying fully managed services for Care and Cure organisations for years. We take responsibility for those organisations’ needs when it comes to managing the ‘hard’ aspects of the IT, i.e. IT infrastructure, security, networks, workplace management, office application landscape and cloud services. From a functional point of view, the client is and remains responsible for the management of applications and users.
Four years ago, we expanded our services with the Open Line eHealth Platform to provide our healthcare clients – on top of our standard portfolio – with the following range of services, adding value with healthcare-related solutions for both healthcare professionals and patients.
The Open Line eHealth Platform consists of the following components:
- MDTM as a Service
- Coordinated Care
- Patient Portal as a Service
- Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) as a Service
- Enterprise Viewer as a Service
For more information about our eHealth solutions, please visit the website of our subsidiary subsidiary Open Line Vitaly.

Open Line Healthcare services
MDTM (Multidisciplinary Team Meeting)
The solution as used in the Oncomid regional oncology network supports the MDTM from the registration of the patient to the return of the report to the EPR (Electronic Patient Record). To make it as easy as possible, the doctor registers the patient for an MDTM from the EPR in question, and all relevant data are collected from the EPR and from the existing national XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing) infrastructure. This means that all relevant patient information is present, which enhances the quality of the MDTM, prevents patient absence at an MDTM and increases the number of patients to be discussed at an MDTM. In addition, the MDTM preparation time is reduced.
Coordinated Care
The Coordinated Care solution is an environment for patients and care providers that facilitates the organisation of network care for patients. A variety of care professionals can find all the information required and monitor the condition of a patient. All by means of a clear and transparent plan.
Coordinated Care - For patients
The application makes patients aware of their appointments and reminds them on time of important matters for managing their health. As soon as patients have received their treatment plan, the care team invites the patients to access the Vitaly patient portal. When they go home, patients remain connected to their care team via the application from every device. Patients can easily follow their treatment, view relevant information and use digital forms to record the symptoms that are relevant for each specific therapy, all from the comfort of their own homes. Once the tasks have been completed, the patient receives personalised feedback with useful information about the further course of their treatment.
Coordinated Care - For care providers
All data reported by patients are supplied to the care team. Anything unusual is communicated to the care team immediately by Vitaly. The care team has access to an extensive overview of the patient, which facilitates adjustments to and interventions in the care process of the patient.
The Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) provides standards-based enterprise access to medical images, photos and documents regardless of the display application. It also offers independence regarding personal archives and streamlines the clinical workflows. The solution uses advanced technologies to support the management and sharing of medical images within and beyond the entire care institution. As a result, care providers can compile an extensive patient-specific image database quickly and easily.
Patient Portal as a Service
Patient Portal as a Service is a comprehensive patient-oriented eHealth portal. It is meant to make it possible for patients to direct their own care 24/7 and to have and keep access to their patient data. It also offers greater ease of communication in the interaction with care providers. It offers possibilities for care institutions to arrange outpatient preliminary care and aftercare more efficiently.
Vendor Neutral Archive as a Service
Vendor Neutral Archive as a Service (VNA) offers a VNA based on the Hyland ACUO (image management) product for care professionals. In a VNA, all unstructured data (DICOM and Non-DICOM) are stored from diagnostic software or modalities to create a single location for all unstructured data of a patient. Compare it with an EPR where all structured data are stored.
The Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) provides standards-based enterprise access to medical images, photos and documents regardless of the display application. It also offers independence regarding personal archives and streamlines the clinical workflows. The solution uses advanced technologies to support the management and sharing of medical images within and beyond the entire care institution.
Enterprise Viewer as a Service
Enterprise Viewer as a Service is an SaaS solution ensuring the distribution to doctors (e.g. those requesting studies) of data stored in the VNA. It is a universal platform allowing care providers to view medical images and clinical content in any format. The Enterprise Viewer means that all care providers can work together without the limitations of department silos. Consequently, the possibilities of the viewer are not restricted to a single specialism.
Care providers always have access to images at any time and at any place. The Enterprise Viewer allows images to be viewed on any device. The viewer is a pure zero footprint viewer, so that extra software or local plug-ins do not need to be installed.