Passion for healthcare
Secure but easy access to data, connecting staff Ensuring that information is reliable and available at the right time and place. Get to know Open Line’s eHealth.
Open Line brings institutions and technology together in the demanding world of healthcare.
Value of the cloud in healthcare
Every healthcare institution is different
Let’s start by noting that every healthcare institution is different, which also means that technological advancements and developments in healthcare markets are not always relevant on a one-to-one basis for every institution or even for every sector within healthcare. So whatever development occurs, in Open Line’s opinion we will always have to jointly explore the relevance of these advancements and developments. New is not always better and innovation does not always involve new technology but can also relate to how existing resources and methods are being used.
Providing care with passion and pleasure
The healthcare sector is a distinctive sector and also a hectic sector in times like these. The general trends and developments are mostly well known, with the client being central of course, but with the caregiver playing a crucial role. This caregiver is usually someone who has deliberately opted for healthcare and is also passionate about providing it. Open Line's aim is therefore that the caregiver should be able to trust Open Line, the people who work for us and the services we provide, so that the caregiver can provide the care with passion and pleasure. Our brand promise is that we are hugely committed to our clients and our colleagues.
Mindful of responsibility
Understanding the cloud, supplying managed cloud services to healthcare institutions and understanding healthcare, all these aspects are thoroughly embedded at Open Line. More than 40% of Open Line’s turnover comes from healthcare or is healthcare-related. This also means that Open Line has a socially relevant responsibility. If we do not do our job properly, it has a direct impact on healthcare. Whether it is a Municipal Health Service, a Radiotherapy Institute or a service like Zorgmail, we know the importance for the patient and the healthcare institution. A core feature of our involvement in healthcare is that we also provide solutions in the area of patient-based network care. We are therefore hugely aware of this responsibility and impact, but above all proud to be part of the healthcare process in this way.