Open Line Support
Availability hours
Open Line Support is available weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Call the service number applicable to your organisation (see SLA / XLA / DAP) for support.
Support tool
To provide you with live support, we use TeamViewer software that allows us to take over your workstation once with your approval. Our support employee may ask you to download and launch the Open Line support tool. Click on the link below to start and download the installation.
How does it work?
Open Line Support tool
The downloader automatically selects the appropriate OS platform, Windows or Mac OS X. After downloading, you start the software (TeamViewer) and communicate the ID and password generated specifically for you to one of our support staff via phone or e-mail. He or she can then take over your screen remotely only once and only after you have given your permission.
Once the connection has been terminated by you or by us, the access will also be terminated and the password will expire. For any follow-up support session, a new password will have to be generated. We can therefore take over your computer only with your explicit permission. Your privacy is therefore fully guaranteed. You can read here how Open Line handles your privacy.
Open Line Self Service Portal
Submit a quick notification or request in our Self Service Portal
Cisco Anyconnect packages
If you have been asked by our support employee to install Cisco AnyConnect, you can download it here:
Anyconnect 4.9 Linux | Anyconnect 4.9 MacOS | Anyconnect 4.9 WIndows